Application 2 Step 1 of 3 0% 1. Netcito is currently open to participants who are CEOs or Founders of entrepreneurial businesses that have meaningful traction in terms of sales, customers, and/or invested capital. Are you ready to apply? Yes No 2. Which of these best describes the current stage of your company? Established business model and expanding into new markets My company is profitable and I want to grow at a faster rate My company has a live product or service with existing customers, but is not yet profitable My company has a prototype product or service, but it has not yet shipped or launched I have an idea or business plan for a product or company, but I have not yet started building it 3. Approximately how many full-time employees currently work at your company in addition to you (excluding service providers such as lawyers, accountants, or marketing consultants)? Currently working by myself 2-5 6-10 11-25 More than 25 4. What is your current annual revenue (or outside investment)? (optional) Pre-revenue Below $50,000 $50,000 – $250,000 $250,000 – $1 Million $1 Million – $5 Million Above $5 Million 5. Which types of groups would you consider joining? In-person Virtual Choose as many as you like6. How did you learn about Netcito? Referral from friend or colleague Blog or publicatioon Social media Search on Google Other Choose as many as you like 7. Your first name *(Required) 8. Your last name*(Required) 9. Your city and state*(Required) 10. Name of your company*(Required) 11. Your job title*(Required) 12. Your business website 13. Email address where we should send the results of your eligibility.This question is required. *(Required) 14. Mobile phone number15. Is there anything else you would like to share?