Allie Armitage - Directory

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Allie Armitage

Founder at Mind Into Matter Mind Into MatterNetcito Alum


Allie founded her entrepreneurial design firm, Mind Into Matter, to help clients unlock their motivation and drive and build their lives around it. Sheis an adjunct professor at the University of Maryland’s Academy for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, and leads Design Thinking workshops for General Assembly, Linktank and her own sessions. She also coaches one-on-one with clients to help them “design think” their lives. Allie got her start in 2007 when she co-founded a company called weBike to offer simple, affordable bike-sharing for college campuses. After learning how the tools of design apply to a tangible business, she gained insight into the inner leadership journey for entrepreneurs while working at the Entrepreneur’s Organization and Netcito, a startup providing CEO advisory forums. Now she leads her firm, facilitating workshops and coaching ambitious people who want to live creative, aligned lives.