Rusty Luhring - Directory

Photo of Rusty Luhring

Rusty Luhring

President at Luhring SurvivalWare, Inc. Luhring SurvivalWare, Inc.Netcito Alum


Rusty Luhring is founder and CEO of Luhring SurvivalWare, which was launched in 2002 to fill a need he saw in the small business market. Thisneed was for a tool to help manage cash flow, to plan ahead in good timesand be confident in decision-making, but also to help out in the bad timeswhen survival is at stake. Rusty developed a technique for doing detailed cash planning for companies that were desperate for cash to survive. It was for a “friend” tohelp him get through a prolonged period of cash flow purgatory heexperienced with his first startup in the aftermathof a bitterly foughtlawsuit.