Tyler Gray
Principal at Gray Street Solutions Gray Street SolutionsNetcito AlumniBiography
With 20 years of experience in marketing, sales, and software development, Tyler is known for being at the forefront of emerging communications strategies and tactics. An expert in the lean startup methodology, Tyler’s skill in applying agile development principles to marketing challenges has made him a sought-after partner for businesses seeking to expand their digital presence.
In 2002 while still a student in high school, Tyler launched the Internet and Fleet Sales division at the Mid-Atlantic region’s largest Toyota dealer, achieving over $2M in sales before beginning his undergraduate studies at George Mason University. While earning his B.A. in Philosophy and B.A. in Government, Tyler led field operations and digital communications efforts for a dozen political campaigns across the country and pioneered innovative uses of emerging technologies such as live streaming debates and utilizing Twitter to make direct online contributions.
Since retiring from campaigns and elections, Tyler’s insights into the intersection of offline and online voter engagement were critical in bringing about the 2011 “Internet Blackout Day” successfully derailing the notorious Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and developing the first independent open-source monitoring and analytics platform for Twitter (Slurp140).
During his graduate studies at Georgetown University (SCS, 12′), Tyler was recognized with the Tropaia Award for “outstanding student of the year” for his work developing innovative procurement systems at the U.S. Small Business Administration and entrepreneurship with the founding of Gray Street Solutions (GSS), a “Fearlessly Agile” creative digital agency in 2013 he incubated via Georgetown’s Startup Hoyas summer launch program.
Specializing in implementing marketing automation systems, WordPress website development, and Google AdWords, Tyler’s recent experience includes working with multinational organizations in the defense and the maritime industry as well as high-growth startups seeking transformative digital solutions for customer relationships management.
An aspiring yogi and competitive endurance athlete specializing in obstacle course racing, since 2019 Tyler has competed in 51 races nationally. Tyler’s volunteer work includes strategic development for local non-profits combating domestic violence (Network for Victim Recovery of DC) and food insecurity (DC Fridge Collective). Tyler is currently training for his first ultra-endurance 50k Spartan Race and is followed by both Barack Obama and Lady Gaga on Twitter.