
GB Square Placeholder

Netcito Meeting Prep Sheet

Stumped on which issue to pick? Check out this article on how to pick an issue.

Completing your prep sheet is the most important thing you can do to prepare for a Netcito meeting. It takes as little as 2-3 minutes, but it dramatically increases the value that you and your circle get from your time. The earlier you submit your prep sheet, the more time that people in your group will have to reflect on your issues in advance of the meeting.

Please note that your prep sheet MAY BE SHARED with other members in your circle. If you would like to access the offline Prep Sheet, so that your information stays private, please use this link.

There is no requirement to answer every question. Choose the questions that are useful to you in helping to get clear on your issue.

Step 1 of 2

  • *Please be sure to select the correct circle as this information will be shared with your circle.*
  • 1 (Least Important)2345 (Most Important)