This month you’re welcome to fill out a prep sheet as usual. But if you’re up for some learning something new, this quick exercise from Jonathan Fields can unlock breakthrough performance. Check out this interview excerpt for a quick preview.
In his book, “How to Live a Good Life”, Jonathan Fields invites us to think about our lives as three buckets:
- Vitality: the state of your mind and body
- Connection: your relationships with your family, community, and yourself
- Contribution: how you contribute to your world
Measuring your buckets can be a useful exercise, but it’s only a starting point. What’s really interesting is that the emptiest bucket will drag the others down with it. So if you focus on work (contribution) to the exclusion of your relationships (connection), your empty relationships bucket will inevitably impact your work.
Put another way, working harder and smarter won’t necessarily lead to breakthrough performance. If you find yourself hitting a plateau at work, the answer might have more to do with filling your other buckets.
Before you fill out your prep sheet this month, take this 3-minute assessment to find out what your buckets look like. Which bucket is the most empty? What steps can you take to start filling it?
We will host an online Netcito Meetup on Monday, June 26 from 8-9a to compare notes and answer any questions about the framework. The meetup will be open to all members.
Jonathan Fields, who created this framework, is a nationally recognized author and speaker. Here are some great resources for learning more:
- The first chapter from How to Live a Good Life (start at page 12 to learn about the buckets)
- This great interview about the buckets (the video is queued it to the most relevant point, but the whole interview is great).
Have a great meeting this month!