
Photo of Hector Ocasio Hector Ocasio Chief Executive Officer at Pet Connectâ„¢

Hector has worked with hospitality technology for over 17 years and is currently a Director of Product Strategy with Oracle. Simultaneously, Hector has co-founded Pet Connect, a platform that addresses the core needs of pet ownership, while providing proactive relationship marketing, community engagement, and e-commerce by connecting the Buyers and Sellers of the pet community.

Photo of Christopher Owens Christopher Owens Founder & CEO at LincSphere

Chris is a solo founder of a tech startup (though he does have a friend ready to come on as CTO once he is funded). The company was incorporated in 2013and has been running a beta in a web app version for the last few years.LincSphere then brought on two technology companies as equity partners-one of them is an app development company which opened the doors for their mobile pivot.…